Noise and noise exposure of personnel aboard vessels in the Royal Norwegian Navy (RNoN), and hearing loss in the RNoN
- Erlend Sunde, University of Bergen
07:30 | Registration | ||
08.00 | Warner Lecture The Warner Lecture is given in honour of Dr Clifford G Warner, Health - Who Cares? one of the founder members of BOHS Dr Alistair Fraser Shell |
08:55 | Travel Time | ||
09.00 | Session 14a ![]() Occupational Hygiene III |
Session 14b ![]() Respiratory Protection |
Session 14c ![]() Product Stewardship |
Noise and noise exposure of personnel aboard vessels in the Royal Norwegian Navy (RNoN), and hearing loss in the RNoN Speakers
Local exhaust ventilation air recycling and the exposure to metal working fluids Speakers
TBC Exposure Assessment of 1-bromopropane for Golf-club Head Workers Speakers
Moving Forward with Respiratory Protection Speakers
Exposure to aerosols when visor of air fed respiratory protective equipment is raised during spraying of motor vehicles. Speakers
The effect of wearer stubble on the protection given by Filtering Facepieces class 3 (FFP3) and Half Masks. Speakers
Fit of N95 filtering-facepiece and half-mask respirators as determined by qualitative versus quantitative fit tests Speakers
Product Stewardship & Industrial Hygiene "Collaborations". Speakers
Product Stewardship: Why Hygienist Are Built For This Job Speakers
Product Stewardship Competencies: Why Hygienists Need to Broaden their Repertoire and Expanding Their Competencies Speakers
10.00 | Morning Refreshments, Exhibition & Poster Viewing Meet with colleagues, browse the exhibition and view posters |
10.30 | Session 15a ![]() Occupational Hygiene IV |
Session 15b ![]() Models Vs Measurement. Are we on the Right Track? |
Session 14c.![]() Product Stewardship |
Hazardous Occupational Exposures and Injuries in Home Care: Results from the Safe Home Care Study Speakers
Does sex make a difference to exposures in the welding trades? Speakers
A French silica job-exposure matrix: uses in occupational health surveillance and research Speakers
Terpene hydroperoxides identified as occupational contact allergens in masseurs Speakers
Reducing occupational disease through effective exposure control Speakers
Acute effects of exposure to low levels of acrolein in human volunteers. Speakers
Current and future strategies for monitoring exposure Speakers
The art of occupational exposure modelling. Speakers
What did we collect over the years? Experiences with collecting and analysing measurement data Speakers
Large exposure measurement databases: Experiences from CAREX Canada Speakers
The promise and limitations of occupational exposure banding Speakers
Challenges of compliance in a multinational multi discipline organisation Speakers
Developing a Framework for the Quantitative Risk Characterization of Dermal Sensitizers in the Workplace Speakers
Toxicity testing in the 21st century - an introduction and how this impacts on the 3R's of reducing Animal testing using alternatives that add business value Speakers
Supply chain HSE - the key role of IH in Downstream user companies to interpret hazard communications and ensure safe use of products Speakers
SHE trigger model - Integration of SHE into development of pharmaceuticals Speakers
The role of Product risk assessment in Dow's EHS Business Risk Review process Speakers
Multi-disciplinary partnerships to manage product stewardship issues Speakers
12.15 | Lunch, Exhibition & Poster Viewing Meet with colleagues, browse the exhibition and view posters |
12:45 | BOHS Annual General (AGM) Meeting Takes place during lunch in the Kings Suite (approximately 40 minutes) |
13:45 | Session 16 - Keynote Lecture Denese A. Deeds Industrial Health & Safety Consultants, Inc. |
14:40 | Travel Time | ||
14.45 | Session 17a ![]() Career Development |
Session 17b ![]() Retrospective Assessment of Occupational Exposures |
Session 17c ![]() Product Stewardship |
This workshop will look at Retrospective Assessment of Occupational Exposures and its Applications in Population-Based Studies and in Support of the Evaluation of Occupational Disease Compensation Claims Speakers
How Wide is the Pond - Understanding Differences Between EU GHS (CLP) and Hazcom 2012 Speakers
16.15 | Afternoon Refreshments, Exhibition & Poster Viewing Meet with colleagues, browse the exhibition and view posters |
16.45 | Session 18a ![]() IGNITE |
Session 18b ![]() Exposure Assessment II |
Session 18c ![]() Can Occupational Hygiene Benefit from the REACH process? |
Enlighten us but make it quick! Speakers |
Exposure to particulate matter (PM10) in indoor air and lung function test among dental laboratory technologists and administration workers Speakers
Determinants of occupational exposure to MRI-related static magnetic fields Speakers
Ammonia and Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring during Manure Handling Processes at Livestock Farms Speakers
The Shipping Industry: A Bermuda Triangle for Occupational Hygiene? Speakers
VOCs in containers arriving in Sweden - Occurrence, personal exposure, and sampling and ventilation strategies Speakers
REACH registration - how the information is generated and used Speakers
Communicating information on safe use from exposure scenarios to downstream users Speakers
Improved communication of risk management measures along the supply chain of chemical substances. Speakers
Case studies illustrating how information generated under REACH can help an industrial user of chemicals Speakers
NB This session finishes at 17:45 | |||
18.15 | Close | ||
19.30 | Gala Dinner |
BOHS/IOHA reserves the right to alter any part of this programme without notice.
BOHS/IOHA cannot be held responsible for the content, including factual accuracy, of any of the presentations; any views expressed by presenters are the individuals' own and are not endorsed by BOHS.
Interested in Exhibiting and Sponsoring? Please call the Conferences Team on + 44 (0) 1332 250713 or email [email protected]