Health and Safety Executive/Local Authority Legionella Intervention Programme
- Duncan Smith, HSE
08:00 | Registration Meet with colleagues and browse the exhibition |
09:30 | Welcome from the IOHA and BOHS Presidents |
10.00 | Session 1 - Keynote Lecture You have no idea: the role of automatic processes in explaining and changing human behaviour and happiness Professor Paul Dolan, London School of Economics |
11.00 | Session 2 -Keynote Lecture Humane Science in Risk Assessment and Beyond Dr Alan Goldberg, The Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg of Public Health |
12.00 | Lunch, Exhibition & Poster Viewing Meet with colleagues, browse the exhibition and view posters |
13:00 | Session 3 - IOHA Lifetime Achievement Award The Best Job in the World - But have we lost the "Art" in our craft? Noel Tresider, Petroch Services Pty Ltd |
13:55 | Travel Time | ||
14.00 | Session 4a. ![]() Occupational Hygiene I |
Session 4b. ![]() Occupational Health I |
Session 4c. ![]() Go Quiet Instead of Deaf |
Health and Safety Executive/Local Authority Legionella Intervention Programme Speakers
The Occupational Hygiene Programme of Kolomela Mine Speakers
Improving co-operation between workplaces and occupational health services in managing chemical risks Speakers
Effectiveness of the NEPSI good practice guide "Case studies of some applied good practices within the European industrial minerals sector" Speakers
Raising the level of Occupational Hygiene Expertise in Trinidad & Tobago through OHTA Training. Speakers
The effect of visible light on human health and implications for the work environment. Speakers
Return to Work and Quality of Life of Tunisian Women Attended by Breast Cancer Speakers
A historical review of silicosis and its relationship to the work conditions of dusty trades in Hong Kong. Speakers
Fatal Accidents Keep Occuring in Enclosed Spaces with Oxygen Depleting Cargos Speakers
Identification of biological markers in nasal lavage fluid in individuals with work related upper airways symptoms associated to moldy and damp buildings. Speakers
Validation of the ats (american thoracic society) respiratory questionnaire for lung function assessment among an occupational group of textile workers. Speakers
15.30 | Afternoon Refreshments, Exhibition & Poster Viewing Meet with colleagues, browse the exhibition and view posters |
16.15 | Session 5a. ![]() Occupational Hygiene II |
Session 5b. ![]() Occupational Toxicology I |
Session 5c. ![]() Occupational Hygiene in Universities – The Future |
Identification of workstations with potential exposure to engineered nanomaterials within EPINANO epidemiological surveillance program Speakers
Characteristics of elemental carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC) exposure of municipal waste collectors. Speakers
Potential occupational exposures to nanomaterials and associated protection measures along nanotechnology value chains in Singapore. Speakers Nanoparticle exposure levels at a research facility during handling of TiO2, ZnO and carbon nanotubes. Speakers
Nano-objects release during drilling and sawing of nanofiller composites. Speakers
The production of antibodies to the benzene biomarker s-pma and the development of test kits for cost-effective labortaory analyis and on-site benzene exposure screening. Speakers
Acetone and styrene co-exposure in fiberglass- reinforced plastic plant. Speakers
Validity of different biomonitoring strategies in the polyacrylonitrile fibre production. Speakers
Bioaccessibility of lead in airborne particulates from car battery repair work. Speakers
Establishing reference ranges of elements in human lung samples. Speakers
The production of antibodies and the development and characterisation of novel immunoassays for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) biomonitoring. Speakers
The workshop will discuss different approaches to delivery of occupational hygiene education in the university environment and will explore ideas on how we can encourage more students to study the subject Speakers
17.45 | Travel Time | ||
17:50 | Session 6 OHTA: Big Oaks from Little Acorns - the next phase of development for the OHTA International Training and Qualifications Scheme in occupational hygiene. Roger Alesbury, Steve Bailey, OHTA |
18.50 | Welcome Reception |
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BOHS/IOHA cannot be held responsible for the content, including factual accuracy, of any of the presentations; any views expressed by presenters are the individuals' own and are not endorsed by BOHS or IOHA.
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